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Strategy And Design

We believe that a modern organization cannot survive and thrive if not applying constant and continuous on-going Intelligence processes.

Strategy And Design

The most important issue for top managers in the organization is to fulfill the vision stated by the CEO and meet the objectives and goals decided upon by the leaders. In our modern competitive markets, it is impossible to do so without embedding Intelligence processes and Intelligence Thinking Patterns in the daily work of all employees. 


Our vast experience in Intelligence work and forming teams and units to deliver Intelligence and information, as well as improving efficiency and competitivity, allows us to offer an expert mentoring and consultant to your organization.


We know how to guide you through deciding on the Intelligence Strategy best suited for you. How many sources should you allocate to the four major elements of Intelligence, to build your Intelligence Core:


  1. Competitive Intelligence (CI)

  2. Market Intelligence (MI)

  3. Business Intelligence (BI)

  4. Knowledge Management (KM)


You can read more about that at:


After deciding on a strategy, we must make sure that the investment in Intelligence Projects is profitable. How to figure out the real return on investment and how to assess the risk embedded in your operations?


We can help you with that by helping you develop new thinking patterns. 

You can read more about that at:


Now that you have an Intelligence Strategy, and you are sure that investing in Intelligence Projects is an essential element in your operations. It is time to make another important decision. Where does the needed information come from?

Do you want to purchase information from external sources, like Webintelligency, or rather develop a domestic tactic Intelligence Team to fulfill all your needs?


We can help you form a robust, reliable, and professional Internal Intelligence Team, and deploy a full-range Intelligence Chain process, customized to your market and competitive status.

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